Thursday, October 31, 2019
System Planning and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
System Planning and Design - Essay Example In addition it is also imperative to understand hardware platforms for deployment of developed systems such that failure of operation is avoided (Smith, 2012). In this regard requirement analysis becomes essential. Secondly, since the onset of the digital era, there has been overwhelming demand for digitizing existing and forthcoming records and consequently information system building has to solve these problems. Such demand thus calls for specific design that takes into consideration all these requirements hence the need for system specification (Johnson, 2011). When all specific system requirements have been met, it is imperative that design commences. While designing IT experts usually break down system components such that each component is developed independently of the other to avoid numerous system errors. This is also highly encouraged while using implementation of tools that are object oriented. Thus the system is separated into modules, which are independent of each other. Upon clearance of modular development, development stage begins which entails system coding whereby the real transition between human and machine interaction happens (Edwards, 2012). Coding begins with creating pseudo codes at each functional level and consequently reviewing whether all requirements have been met and thus the system is constructed at this stage (Johnson, 2011). After development system integration follows which involves a combination of the different modules developed above. After successful integration of different modules for SFO clinic, then system testing follows which is done in two phases. While testing might be done after integration, it is of great essence that testing be carried out before and after integration to ensure that developed modules are error-free and that the system has efficient communication abilities, that is, modules are able to communicate with each other while passing data. This last stage will ensure whether the developed system is impor tant for SFO clinic in California by achieving user acceptance. Requirement analysis This stage involves two critical foundational stages of system development which include business case and user requirements (Edwards, 2012). Business case provides useful information upon which the system is to be based on. In this case, SFO clinic in California is an urgent health care facility that admits individuals with urgency cases. Understanding the institution by name, location and requirements gives the developer a background idea on how to get in touch with the organization and conduct further research as entails other requirements. Johnson (2011) argues that user requirements form another essential step in the design and development process. In order to transform organization functions to digital records, it is imperative the extensive research be undertaken. This can either be done through prototyping, simulation, user interviews among others or a combination of either of these requirem ent collection methodologies. In the case of SFO clinic, requirement analysis is done through a combination of prototyping and user interviews. Inclusive users undergoing the interviewing process involved the director of the clinic, the receptionist, doctors at the clinic and the billing department. The requirement process obtained that digitization exercise at the clinic involves the billing depar
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Compare the ways in which Larkin and Abse write about love Essay Example for Free
Compare the ways in which Larkin and Abse write about love Essay Compare the ways in which Larkin and Abse write about Love, in your response you should write about at least two of Larkin’s poems Larkin’s general view on love and marriage is that both are a liability. This is seen throughout many poems including ‘Self’s the man’ where Larkin talks about a man being held back and worked to death by his wife. Abse’s views are somewhat contrary to Larkin’s. He has a much softer approach when talking about love and feels that it connects himself with his family, as seen in his poems ‘Postcard to his wife’ and ‘The Malham Bird’ where he expresses his love for his wife. Love as a theme is present in many of Larkin’s poems and ‘Self’s the man’ illustrates his stereotypical outlook on marriage and love. In the first stanza Larkin directly compares himself to his made up character of Arnold, who represents all the lower class men in a marriage. The first two lines ‘Oh, no one can deny/ That Arnold is less selfish than I’ have a humorous tone in with the use of a rhyming couplet, Larkin is patronising the reader. In the next line he writes how Arnold married a woman to ‘stop her getting away’. In comparison, the poem ‘The Malham Bird’ Abse writes of love in a different way ‘in love, you a Gentile’. His soft tone creates a slower pace to the poem which shows his love for his late wife. On the other hand Larkin doesn’t use the word love and he uses a faster matter-of-fact tone. Larkin is often viewed as sexist but here he could be seen as saying that women don’t get a chance to live their lives how they want to because men marry them ‘Now she’s there all day’. In the second stanza Larkin continues to paint women in a poor light ‘And the money he gets for wasting his life on work/ She takes as her perk’. The first line uses enjambment which makes the poem sound like a list of moans. She appears to be greedy by taking his money. Larkin displays an air of snobbery about the lower classes hard labour jobs. He describes the woman as interfering and domineering. Larkin then uses colloquial language to make fun of the lower classes and how they speak ‘To pay for the kiddies’ clobber and the drier/ and the electric fire’. He does not rate family life very highly. Larkin states that the roles have reversed in the third stanza. Arnold told his wife to marry him and she did and now she is telling him to work, to do the chores etc ‘Planning to have a read at the evening paper/ It’s Put a screw in this wall-‘. The fourth stanza uses colloquial language again and the fifth and uses a sarcastic and patronising tone. Larkin does not look upon marriage favourably. Moving into the sixth stanza, the poet claims that Arnold, too, was just â€Å"out for his own ends†and â€Å"if it was such a mistake / He still did it for his own sake / Playing his own game.†He concludes that â€Å"he and I are the same†and both are selfish, but he is better â€Å"At knowing what I can stand / Without them sending a van†. The â€Å"van†is a mental institute’s mode of transportation, suggesting that Arnold is going mad in his situation. Much of this poem is unsympathetic towards Arnold’s situation. However at the end Larkin reveals an uncertainty. Suddenly the poet is faced with the reality of his own situation ‘But wait, not do fast/ Is there such a contrast?’ Has he realised the loneliness in his own life because he was too selfish to share. Another poem which presents love as a theme is ‘Talking in Bed’. In this poem Larkin describes a couple in a failing relationship because they are isolated and find it difficult to communicate. Themarital bed is used as a symbol for marriage; a haven for spouses to come together. The bed should be the place where a couple feel united, but in this poem, the bed makes the couples detachment from one another glaringly obvious. The word lying has an ambiguous meaning in this poem; on one hand it means that the couple in assuming a horizontal position together, and on the other hand, it appears there is some fabrication between them. Goes back so far also presents some ambiguity: first, the couple have been lying together in their bed for years which is an indication of a lengthy marriage; and second, they have been living a lie for many years. The couple are clearly unhappy with their marriage. This was a time when separation and divorce was frowned upon but couples stayed together unhappily because it was the right thing to do. There was a sense of accountability within the marriage contract and it was difficult for women in particular to walk away from their husbands. The second stanza describes the turmoil of their marriage metaphorically by using nature. The awful silence is deafening and an indication of the tense, nervous atmosphere between the two, worsening as they continue to remain silent. The out side is a reflection of the couple inside; the tension heightens between them, and is never relieved. The wind is turbulent, scattering the clouds across the sky. Builds and disperses could be a metaphor for an argument; the environment is fraught and situations cannot be resolved. Clouds have both a dark and threatening aspect, and can be difficult to see through. Metaphorically speaking, a clear sky would represent a marriage at peace, but in this case the clouds suggest a marriage at war with itself; these wars could potentially harm the marriage, so the clouds hide them, if you cant see something then it doesnt exist. Dark towns can be used to describe a number of different things: faults, disagreements, difficulties, isolation and pain. The contrast of their marriage to the tumultuous winds are a stark reminder of what their future holds. They have to try and work things out to arrive at an amicable solution. It is not understood why their marriage has failed; why at this unique distance (lying side-by-side) that they feel so isolated from each other. The husband cannot understand why communication between him and his wife have broken down. Words are not forthcoming and he is at a loss as to how the marriage appears to be irretrievable. Was he ever really in love with his wife? Did he ever feel a softness towards her? ‘It becomes mor e difficult to find/ Words at once true and kind’. He wonders if their marriage was based on a lie or was it inevitably going to fail. Dannie Abse’s approach to love is different in comparison to Larkin; Abse sees love as something to be treasured between him and his family. Where Larkin views love with a touch of cynicism, Abse’s poems demonstrate a purity and an equality. In The Malham Bird it did not matter that the couple are from different backgrounds ‘you a Gentile and I a Jew!’ Their relationship may have been unacceptable for the times but their love was all that mattered. The poem is littered with fond memories of when the couple first met ‘Dear wife, remember our first illicit/holiday, the rented room, the hidden beach’. Theirs was a romantic love. Abse’s couple are happy in contrast to the couples portrayed by Larkin in the above poems. Their shared history is full of warmth and mutual admiration. Where Larkin’s poems view love as a hindrance and something a man can do without, Abse firmly believes you need love above all else. In Postcard to his Wife, Abse’s portrayal is of a husband (himself) desperately missing his wife in her absence. He longs for them to spend the day together. He wishes she would ‘Make excuses’ so that she would be home with him. He loves her and enjoys her pre sence the opposite of Larkin’s idea of relationships. Abse feels there is a void in his life when his wife is not around and cannot bear the heartache. The contrast between Larkin and Abse’s views on love and relationships are polar opposites.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Nature of Construction Problems: Past and Present
The Nature of Construction Problems: Past and Present ABSTRACT: This paper aims at deriving a comprehensive understanding pertaining to the different construction difficulties that have been faced in the past and are being faced now in the present also. It provides a vivid analysis of why the problems were faced, the nature of the problems and how they were dealt with. It has been a long time since the first inception of architectural ideas that had crept into our ancestors’ minds. Right from the Stone Age, man has actually been into this act of constructing stuff for making his life easy. At the very juncture of the Metal Age, he got a further boost with the advent of new materials and construction techniques. Furthermore, came the times when architecture was at its peak. Everywhere in the world there was zeal to construct structures that not only made life comfortable for man, but also soothed his eyes. The classical orders of the Greeks packed the punch of serving as better structural members along with being a visual treat. The Romans had been articulate in constructing an efficient system of water supply in the form of a series of arches together being called as aquaducts. It still stands as an example people look up to design urban spaces. Egyptians were no less. They were meticulously constructing pyramids and mortuary tombs that were way beyond the human scale. They had designed the first forms of conveyor systems in building construction. Similarly, India saw the construction of a lot of architectural wonders. Right from the construction of the monolithic stone structures of the Ajanta-Ellora caves and the temples of Mahabalipuram to the Islamic structures of Taj Mahal and the Humayun’s tomb it had been a marvellous leap in the form of architectural progress. Finally came the times of controversies about architecture when Gustav Eiffel proposed the construction of an all metal structure now called the Eiffel tower. There was a lot of noise about the fact that how it would finally look when it was constructed in Paris. Many people said that it might turn out to be a scar on the face of the city. But, now fortunately it is known as the first thing that helps us identify the city of Paris. There have also been controversies about Zaha Hadid’s designs. She is one of the pioneer architects as far as t he use of fluidic forms is concerned. Her designs have almost always been at the helm of criticism by the senior architects of her times. But, she has been articulate in executing her own designs. Similarly, in the recent times Frank O’ Gehry had faced a lot of challenges in bringing up his work called Bilbao museum. He has been criticised like hell up to the level of being called the mad architect. Now as we come up to the fact of such progress in the field of construction, can we deny that there have been no difficulties in the construction of these age old structures? No will be the answer. As we go back to the times when the monolithic stone structures of the Kailasa temple was constructed, we get to know that no good technology was available at that time. However, they have managed to actually make it possible to form a massive temple out of a single rock. Imagine that how the person who started the construction, actually just used a chisel and a hammer to build such a huge temple. It is said that he started from the top and kept on chiselling till the bottom. It is evident that this wonderful construction must have taken a long time to come up. But, it has not been constructed by a single sculptor. Imagine the difficulty in passing on the same knowledge about the structure to so many artisans over the ages. There might have been several changes made to this temple structure during the construction. This must have made it even more difficult for the sculptors. Now raises the question of managing the waste that was generated in this process. How were all the cut out st ones used? Yes, they were used to make roads and for pety constructions. But wasn’t it really difficult to manage these heavy masses? Yes, it must have been tedious. A similar structure had come up previously. The Konark temple in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa had a huge contribution in raising the architectural taste of the people of the country. In this construction, they used the method of constructing sand ramps as it was being constructed towards the top end. This had actually ensured that the structure didn’t get decayed during the construction process. However, this structure had made use of a huge pole at the centre in the form of a magnet that gave the massive stone structure all its strength. This had been acquired by the British during their reign in our country. But, later on what it was used for nobody knows. Just imagine how that huge magnet was made to stand just by the use of very basic tools. This speaks of the difficulty in constructing structures belonging to the typology of stone temples. Now, when the importance of Constantinople came into existence, there was a sudden need for the construction of several public buildings. At that time there was a huge recession in the field of construction in Europe. There was a shortage of resources, funds, architects and even labourers. This thing gave rise to a new form of architecture. This form of architecture came to be known as Polymath Architecture. In this form of architecture the existing buildings were used to build several other buildings. The Roman basilicas were used to build the Basilican churches that formed the basis of Christianity. The columns of the condemned buildings were actually truncated to get a uniform size. As a result, the buildings were having a size very close to the human scale. Explicitly or purposely, this form of architecture happened to be more close to people. Even the foundations of several buildings were used to meet the needs of the times. The rotunda buildings were used to used to build bapti steries when the question of child baptism came into existence. These spaces required a kind of radiating building plan in order to accommodate the required activity. So, the unavailability of resources at that time was addressed in such a way. Now, when we come to construction of buildings that are built with the on public money, the question of minimalism comes into existence. The usage of minimum amount of resource and funds comes into existence. Taking the example of a case, when an architect is given task of designing a public building, he has to make sure that he does not raise the cost of the building to the height of making it unfeasible. Nowadays, in case of construction of public buildings, the factor of tender pops up. The person coming up with the most apt design within the least of cost frame usually gets the project. Such a case can be taken up when it comes to the Bilbao museum. It was designed by Frank O’ Gehry. He had gone through the criticism of the entire world because of his design. His design was so complex that it made use of aircraft design software. He had actually gone to the point of overusing resources. The frames of the building were made using thick steel sections. A large layer of fabri c was used to cover the building. Above this a layer of titanium sheets were used. Around twenty four thousand square meters of such were used. As a result of this, he was criticised over the fact that a similar functionality and aesthetics was achievable with lesser use of resources. But, he had paid no heed to what the people said. He has a concept of a fish just because he had memories of going to a fish market with his grandma. This vague justification brought about a lot of talks throughout the world. Luckily, the titanium prices had gone down at that point of time. So, he had the privilege of not getting the project cancelled. When residential projects are taken into consideration, there are several pety issues that come up. Funds remain limited in most cases. There have been cases when construction of a single house has gone through a ceasework period of more than a year just due to the lack of funds. Other religious issues play a vital role in our country when it comes to construction of residences specially. Several people actually back out when the architect is reluctant to listen to his specifications about how the building should be. Industrial buildings have challenges that are totally different as compared to other buildings. They should have the ability to actually justify all the government norms regarding the minute points like waste generation and hazard safety factors. They should have special anthropometric specifications but they should not use too much of space. So, as we come to conclude this, we can actually see that several issues are getting solved in this context. Several architects are coming up with innovative ideas to actually cater to the ideas of the government and the environmental impact assessment bodies to make a statement regarding this matter. So let us hope for a hassle free and green future ahead!!! References: History Of Architecture by Sir Bannister Fletcher Construction Delays: Extension Of time and prolongation claims by Roger Gibson
Friday, October 25, 2019
Defining Myself through Writing :: Personal Narratives
Defining Myself through Writing I can write in various voices and styles and about various topics; with each piece I hope to represent different aspects of who I am. I need not say "This is me", but I show through now and then; sometimes more strongly than others as can be assumed. In writing I allow my true self to show, I can express myself and experiment with different styles. I will warn you that my writing is never too risquà ©, I remain quite practical and composed. Composed. I'll make that into a verb and say that in writing "I compose." Strange that I have a strong love for music yet have never tried to write it. I stay with stories, poems and essays. My first essay for Expository Writing entitled "Metaphorically Speaking" expressed my dull self. I knew this when I finished and racked my brain trying to think of something creative to speak metaphorically about but could not get past the practical part of me that says "Education is like a part time job." In this essay I am a student and employee speaking in first person. I don't delve too far into what they are other than seeing them as temporary work. I take a simple approach in analyzing and comparing my life in both environments. I speak confidently in "Metaphorically Speaking" due to experience. I don't sound ecstatic over the positions I now hold but I am content knowing they are temporary. I know that I will make the best of my education in college and my part time job and with continued success will go beyond. In this paper I am simply a student and employee and sound like one, be it dull. Experience was also used in "Coming Full Circle" . I gave a "play by play" of what is expected from students by teachers from elementary school on up. I spoke with "College Student Wisdom", reflecting on what I have written in the past and realizing that the writing I do now is similar to that which I wrote in elementary school; I write to please myself, to be myself and enjoy. Though it is just a blip of writing, "Sounds of Cross Country Skiing" represents me in my world of nature and heightened awareness --where I so often long to be. After it was read in class without my name mentioned a student next to me that knows me little from previous classes said "That was you wasn't it? Defining Myself through Writing :: Personal Narratives Defining Myself through Writing I can write in various voices and styles and about various topics; with each piece I hope to represent different aspects of who I am. I need not say "This is me", but I show through now and then; sometimes more strongly than others as can be assumed. In writing I allow my true self to show, I can express myself and experiment with different styles. I will warn you that my writing is never too risquà ©, I remain quite practical and composed. Composed. I'll make that into a verb and say that in writing "I compose." Strange that I have a strong love for music yet have never tried to write it. I stay with stories, poems and essays. My first essay for Expository Writing entitled "Metaphorically Speaking" expressed my dull self. I knew this when I finished and racked my brain trying to think of something creative to speak metaphorically about but could not get past the practical part of me that says "Education is like a part time job." In this essay I am a student and employee speaking in first person. I don't delve too far into what they are other than seeing them as temporary work. I take a simple approach in analyzing and comparing my life in both environments. I speak confidently in "Metaphorically Speaking" due to experience. I don't sound ecstatic over the positions I now hold but I am content knowing they are temporary. I know that I will make the best of my education in college and my part time job and with continued success will go beyond. In this paper I am simply a student and employee and sound like one, be it dull. Experience was also used in "Coming Full Circle" . I gave a "play by play" of what is expected from students by teachers from elementary school on up. I spoke with "College Student Wisdom", reflecting on what I have written in the past and realizing that the writing I do now is similar to that which I wrote in elementary school; I write to please myself, to be myself and enjoy. Though it is just a blip of writing, "Sounds of Cross Country Skiing" represents me in my world of nature and heightened awareness --where I so often long to be. After it was read in class without my name mentioned a student next to me that knows me little from previous classes said "That was you wasn't it?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Effectsof agriculture urbanization and revolutions on european social classes in the 18th and 19th centuries
The era of the agrarian revolution brought with it a form of several types of social inequalities that changed the functioning of the social structure of the society. These social inequalities were brought about by the fact that the agrarian revolution followed by the industrial revolution altered the way people were living hence causing several social classes that were a subject of condemnation from leading social science disciplines. Similarly the urbanization and industrial revolutions did not make the situation any better as they resulted to social inequalities that also were subjects of condemnation by various social critics.The main classes that wherefore after the agrarian revolution was the development of the class of the land owners and the workers. The land owners were a small number of the elites that had immersed a lot of wealth as far as the means of production were concerned. They were also called the bourgeoisies or simply the owners of the means of production. Due to the sizes of their lands as well as other means of production these people had to hire for labor from those who did not own the means of production.The first relationship between the bourgeois and the proletarians was that the proletarians were hired as a source of labour to the bourgeoisies. In retaliation, they were rewarded with an income. The main aim of the owners of the means of production was always to reap the greatest benefits from there means of production while the workers’ main aim was to get the best payment for their investment. This caused a serious tension between the two groups as each tired to get its own way.However, due to the limitations of economic power of the proletarians, the bourgeoisie always won the battle and thus the workers had to continue working at the existing market rates (McKay et al 356). These differences were worsened during industrial revolution when Europe underwent a systematic process of industrializing and slowly turning away from t he normal agricultural based production. This led to people being concentrated together in urban centers. The bourgeoisie owned the industries while the proletarians had to work in those industries in order to earn a living for themselves.The concept of profit maximization led the owners of the means of production to engage into the measures of cost saving which greatly advocated for reduced salaries for the proletarians in order to improve the income from these industries. They further led to greater economic diversity between the two groups. The rich bourgeoisies continuously accumulate their wealth at the expense of the poor working class. The result of this marginalization was a growing trend of hostility between the two main groups as each tried to advance its ideals.However, the lack of both political and resource power made the proletarians to lose the battle the few land and capital owners. However, it was common sense to the land owners that any rebellion that would turn to be bloody would interfere with their wealth and thus a compromise was needed to ensure that the relationship between the two groups was always maintained at a manageable level (McKay et al 398). This realization led to the rise of another group, the middle class, mainly composed of people who sought to utilize the concept of either utilitarianism or Evangelism to strike a balance between the two main classes.The middle class therefore introduced the concept of maximization of pleasure and came up with the working formulas for the group to effectively co-exist. To maximize the reward from their investment, the concept of pain must be measured accurately. The bourgeoisie had to inflict pain in form of work to the proletarians and pay for the pain with the little pleasure as possible (pay). This was from the realizations that when pain is less than pleasure, the workers would comfortably work and shall not result to any form of revolution (McKay et al 394)The middle class also sought to make they working class continue working and had to convince the working class that pleasure can only be gained through pain, and thus there was need to accept some form of pain. This meant that so long us the work was rewarding you, the ethical thing is to continue working. The working class therefore continued to receive the pain from the bourgeoisie since the reward of the bourgeoisie was way above the pain they were getting from the working for them. In conclusion, it is evident that the two main classes during this era were always not in good terms.The minority class was the rich people and owned the means of production while the majority was the poor proletarians. Connecting the two classes was a middle class of scholars whose theories were crucial in ensuring that harmony was maintained among the leading social classes. When people moved into urban centers, special living patterns also characterized the social classes that existed in the Europe during the 18th and 19th cen turies. Work Cited McKay et al â€Å"A History of Western Society†7th Edition, New York Wadsworth Publishing; 2002)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Business Admin Research Information Essay
1.1 Give reasons for agreeing objectives and deadlines for researching information Agreeing objectives is essential for a team or individual to know what they are focusing on to avoid wasting resources and time. Deadlines strongly affect what you research, for example, if a deadline of one week is agreed for writing a newspaper, you wouldn’t want to include today’s news as it would be very outdated by the time of publication. 1.2 Give reasons for identifying and agreeing sources of information It’s useful to identify and agree a source to use when researching information, as a standardised method means more uniform work. All information would be in a similar format when gathered from one source, but also, there is less room for error, as the agreed upon source is likely to be accurate and widely trusted. 1.3 Explain the purpose of recording and storing information researched Storing information is essential for many reasons; these include ease of access and readability, the level of detail you are able to store, the choice to have various copies of the information in case of loss and ease of transfer. 2.1 Agree aims, objectives and deadlines for the information search Agreeing aims and objectives helps me to do my work efficiently as they give me a clear idea of what I need to find and why. Deadlines are also very important to me as our customers and our reputation are negatively affected if don’t complete work in the required time so time limits help me estimate the time I have to spend on each one, otherwise, for example, I could spend too long researching one dental practice and affect another. 2.2 Identify sources of information Information can come from numerous sources, for example, other people such as colleagues or friends, online knowledge bases such as Wikipedia or books on the subject in question 2.3 Search for and obtain data I can search for information using the sources stated in the previous criteria, then to obtain the relevant data, I sift through all on offer then write down or type up what I require. If the information is copyrighted I would need to contact the author and request permission to use the data. 2.4 Check that data is suitable for the purpose of the research To ensure the data I find is suitable for the purpose of the research, I should agree guidelines for exactly what is needed and in what format with my manager or whoever set the task. 2.5 Record the data and store it securely I record information in various formats, such as documents onto my computer, memory stick or external hard drive, and onto websites such as Google Calendar and KashFlow. The majority of the information I deal with is confidential so I have to guarantee they are kept secure. I do this by setting strong passwords that only myself and any other required individuals know, and by keeping hardware on my person or locked away. 2.6 Make a record of information sources used It’s important to record all sources I use, as I often need to refer back to previously used documents, or find other information from a particular source. All records are kept organised and secure in our lockable store room. 2.7 Meet deadlines for completing research As previously mentioned, completing research in the set deadlines is important for me to present accurate data, and keep the strong relationship we have with our clients. To ensure I meet these deadlines, I have to carefully prioritise my workload and plan in advance how to tackle it, as I get a steady stream of new site notes every week and some are far more urgent than others.
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