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Monday, August 24, 2020
Contemporary Business Organizations various-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Contemporary Business Organizations Various? Answer: Introducation The contemporary business associations need to keep up different parts of business at once to address the broadened difficulties being looked by them in the current business situation (Grant et al., 2014). Authority assumes a key job in driving the hierarchical accomplishment by defeating different authoritative difficulties. As indicated by Marc Lavine, administrations need to assume enhanced and complex jobs in meeting all the parts of the contemporary business associations (Kinicki Kreitner, 2012). Contending esteem system is being utilized to distinguish the different difficulties being looked by the contemporary chiefs. As indicated by this hypothesis, initiatives chiefly need to keep up four significant viewpoints in the cutting edge business associations (Wiewiora et al., 2013). It incorporates keeping up the HR, viable inward correspondence, appropriate allotment of assets and accomplishing the authoritative objectives and destinations. In a couple of cases, it acts like a test for the pioneers because of the explanation that they face oddity in keeping up all the above said angles at a solitary time (Van Wart, 2013). The choice reason inconsistency among the partners related with the associations. For example, giving more exertion on accomplishing the hierarchical targets may have unfavorable impact on the human asset the board in the association. Workers may get de-spurred and lower assurance because of having high pressure and weight in the associations (Van Wart, 2013). In addition, pioneers additionally have the obligation of actualizing viable correspondence process in the inward association so as to improve the correspondence procedure between the upper administration and the representatives. The cutting edge pioneers likewise need to confront quick change in the advances and taste and inclination of the advertising because of the period of globalization. In this way, they need to change their style of author ity and sorting out the business activities more quickly than any other time in recent memory. This is causing worry in compelling administration of the contemporary business associations. As indicated by Marc Lavine, it is the duty of the positions of authority to keep up the ideal balance between the more seasoned and new hypothesis and exercises in the associations. The ideal balance between these two will assist with increasing authoritative achievement (Grant et al., 2014). As indicated by him, multifaceted nature and conundrum will be unavoidable of the contemporary chiefs and in this way they need to decidedly respond to these complexities to drive the adjustment in the associations. They ought to be increasingly adaptable in tolerating the differentiated issues related with the current business situation. In this way, from this writing, it is clear that the cutting edge business associations need to confront complex circumstances just as their pioneers (Wiewiora et al., 2013). They need to keep up all the four perspectives being expressed in the contending esteem system. Consequently, it is one of the prime issues being recognized from this writing dealing with all these expanded complexities is stopping the contemporary chiefs in giving compelling exertion in a specific angle. In the current business situation, the more adaptable will be the pioneers with respect to the business complexities, the more will be their adequacy in driving the authoritative achievement. References Award, R., Butler, B., Orr, S., Murray, P. A. (2014).Contemporary vital administration: An Australasian point of view. John Wiley Sons Australia, Ltd.. Kinicki, A., Kreitner, R. (2012).Organizational conduct: Key ideas, abilities best practices. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Van Wart, M. (2013). Exercises from initiative hypothesis and the contemporary difficulties of leaders.Public Administration Review,73(4), 553-565. Wiewiora, A., Trigunarsyah, B., Murphy, G., Coffey, V. (2013). Hierarchical culture and eagerness to share information: A contending esteems point of view in Australian context.International Journal of Project Management,31(8), 1163-1174.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Improving Organization Retention Paper Essay Example for Free
Improving Organization Retention Paper Essay Associations frequently encounters personnel shortages; along these lines, one division will be approached to cover for another. In any case, these issues can be created from a few angles inside an association, for example, shortages on help, monetary issues, and association maintenance. In this manner, the association organization must undertaking to sift through the best methodology to determine these issues. In this specific paper the fundamental issues includes staffing. â€Å"Strategies for improving the representative determination process incorporate following enrollment sources; utilizing sensible employment sneak peaks (RJPs); utilizing evaluation devices and meetings to anticipate turnover; and recruiting for fit and inspiration (Barrick Zimmerman, p. 1 Para 6 2005). Besides, an association that executes an effective staffing approach will basically build up a positive impact with respect to representative maintenance. In any case with this paper association maintenance will be examined in subtleties, and work inspiration hypotheses will be applied to improve worker enlistment and maintenance at JC’s Casino. An assessment of potential word related stressors that are considered as a negative effect on enrollment and maintenance just as a critical proposition will be illustrated. Moreover, the job of occupation fulfillment and its effect on maintenance at the gambling club, and proposals for improving employment fulfillment of the workers, and how that can have an impact in effectively improving maintenance will be talked about. At last, a talking about with respect to counterproductive representative conduct happening at the gambling club just as what proposals that would decrease the counterproductive conduct and increment profitable worker conduct will be shown too. JC’s Casino This specific gambling club is in chaos as the consequence of flighty shortages on help, which basically made the club vendors leave. Indeed, the sellers get work with other gambling club that only offered a lower wage rate as opposed to their previous business. Besides, the gambling club housekeeping staff itself was encountering issues due to the non-attendance and the high turnover of rooms. Thus, this issue basically encroached on different divisions inside the gambling club in light of the necessary staff expected to deal with the club was deficient. In reality, this worry didn't dazzle the club clients; truth be told, it only created more disarray as the lodging needed to alter the check - in times, and recruit extra staff to work in the gear room. The clients who showed up before must be obliging as the association arrangement involved. Be that as it may, the proprietor is unconscious of the greatness of the issues, which encompasses the gambling club itself. Basically, the proprietor only is aware of the points of interest, for example, the vendors was dropping off like flies, and gambling club clients were turning out to be progressively disappointed in regards to the inconvenient registration change. Following, these issues and the entire story edify; one could comprehend why this specific association wants critical help as a way to improving the association maintenance. Inspiration Work hypotheses One of inspiration work hypotheses that will be utilized includes the Douglas McGregor’s X-Y Theory. Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) was the maker of one of the main excellent administration hypotheses without correlation. He estimated that an administration position is considered as one of the most noteworthy situation inside a partnership. Generally, he suggested that it was the chief duty to support and uncover the tremendous imaginative capacity inside individuals. McGregor presented two huge types of the executives draws near, which basically began the improvement of his X and Y speculations: the dictator and the participative. The Theory X dictator the executives style, representatives are innately lethargic, and the individual would by and large must be compelled to work. In any case, under the Theory Y participative administration style, representatives would find fill in as great. McGregor additionally stress that, under the best possible administration, all workers are normally Theory Y representatives (Kallio, 2006). The X Theory is essentially focused on a design of the executives and initiative that is tyrant, while the Y Theory will in general utilize increasingly helpful parts of authority. Thusly, McGregor’s hypothesis can identify with JC’s Casino circumstance as it communicates association advancement. The Y Theory will permit the staff individuals to gain ground and advance. Along these lines of deduction, taking into account this angle it would be an or more to utilize as a way to upgrade enlistment and maintenance inside The JC’s Casino. To leave on this excursion first, the Y Theory will allow the chief to help employees’ motivators instead of censure and negative marks. The Y Theory supervisors consider that every representative like work, and work to benefit the association, which produces exploitation of competency between the workers. The Y Theory chief would give representatives the possibility of an autonomy of innovativeness, which would shape inspired and dependable workers who value their activity. The Y Theory directors likewise move in the direction of building significant and beneficial associations with their workers. These directors battle with McGregor understanding that the duty of the executives is to permit their representatives to communicate their tremendous inventive potential (Skidmore, 2006). One noteworthy perspective, the Y supervisor would offer an open discourse with workers and different offices and through showing authority by driving with model. Mastery and censure are not generally the best, and the main strategy to make gainful work environment. Indeed, the work itself ought to be asked and not directed as a supervisor buying in to the X Theory would be bound to perform. Be that as it may, the achievement of both of these speculations would basically rely upon - the - work just as the person. A few people require unvarying course and others will exceed expectations with almost no bearing. Fundamentally, it would depend on what the people work best with in regards to Theory X and Theory Y would become possibly the most important factor inspirational shrewd. Another huge hypothesis is known as the Z hypothesis established by William Ouchi. This specific hypothesis is distinguished as the â€Å"Japanese Challenge†inside the administration, which is utilizes the Y Theory and current Japanese administration principals. In spite of the fact that the worker inside this hypothesis must have the best possible mentality consistently for errands with complete obligation in regards to a definitive consequence of assignments. â€Å"Nevertheless, Theory Z basically advocates a blend of all that is best about hypothesis Y and current Japanese administration, which puts a lot of opportunity and trusts with laborers, and expect that laborers have a solid unwaveringness and enthusiasm for group working and the association. An individual conduct and condition can change suddenly; along these lines, this specific hypothesis comes up short on the quality, and course differentiating to the McGregor X-Y hypothesis that includes incredible persuasive proposals and thinking. Word related Stressors JC’s Casino association have a high feeling of anxiety calling just as a high feeling of anxiety that regularly surfaces between workers. This kind of condition involves clients who are ordinarily intoxicated and regularly disturbed; consequently, laborers must intercede if essential. Therefore, enlistment and maintenance ought to be fastidious in light of the fact that a gambling club condition can be testing and not for everybody. As per researcher’s gambling clubs that execute Anger Management courses that incorporate methods for perceiving and overseeing pressure, which showed a higher outcomes with respect to worker happiness (Internet Reference, Anger Stress in Job of Job Satisfaction To actualize worker fulfillment the essential center would be coordinated toward inquiring about other fruitful gambling club, for example, Ki-Joon Back, a Korean gambling club. This club effectively has applied a worker work fulfillment and authoritative affirmation. The Korean gambling club sets out on requiring the workers to take part in a study poll; outcome supported administration by improving the state of representative fulfillment. In addition, this kind of strategy can be utilized inside JC’s Casino with similar outcomes. One should initially catch up on the outcomes, for example, give continuous preparing, social insurance benefits, and keep up an open discourse with workers. Every viewpoint ought to be lasting to guarantee worker fulfillment, enrollment just as maintenance. Moreover, the association should likewise give workers vital supplies as indicated by the assets. At the point when representatives are given the necessary supplies it will make a superior environment and upgrade sense of pride and maintenance. It is critical to hold up under at the top of the priority list that trustworthiness by and large beginnings on the highest point of organization and can saturate the laborers (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management). Worker Behavior As per Global Gaming Business in regards to employee’s conduct inside sort of condition by which it underlines that when counterproductive conduct happens in a gambling club the administration should handle the issue promptly just as the people groups required rather dodging the circumstance. Gambling club approach ought to be made undeniably and genuinely to workers who thus make a thankfulness in the midst of the board and staff. The executives must be the voice of rationale when managing talk or complex concerns. The executives must take the prompted sort out by and by complaints and issues on the floor during their work day, and one ought to in no way, shape or form leave issues uncertain. Nonetheless, JC’s Casino has two key imperative central focuses here concerning conduct apparent as counterproductive, which begins with Joe, the overbearing pit chief, and the above pace of non-appearance
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Virtual Assistant Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
Virtual Assistant Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips In today’s world of technology, the old definition of an employee â€" a person that sits behind a desk in an office is outdated, and in some cases fully eliminated.Computers and internet connection provided a chance for outsourcing work to people in different cities or even homes, who can do the job just as efficient as if they were in an office.One profession that implies remote work, from home or separate office space is that of a virtual assistant.Virtual assistants tend to be everywhere these days, and that’s because they bring a number of qualities to companies and employers.Nowadays, remote workers bring advantages such as reduced costs, time-saving and better use of other company employees since they can focus on other tasks while virtual assistants take care of administrative tasks.The nature of the multitasking one virtual assistant must do on a daily basis calls for a person capable of managing a number of different tasks all at once and all in an organized way that kee ps the business working flawlessly even from a remote location.If you think you’ve got what it takes to be a Virtual Assistant and you see it as your dream job, continue reading to find out how to secure the position with help of an amazing resume.Virtual Assistant Resume Example Right Virtual Assistant Resume Sample Right Create your own resumeThere you have it â€" two examples of perfect resumes for the position of a virtual assistant.Hopefully you will benefit from the provided tips and tricks and create a resume that will get you the job.Pay special attention to the skills and achievements presented here because these are generally most desired by the employers.In the next sections, we will provide an explanation about writing each part of the resume as good as possible while accentuating the points you should spend the most time perfecting.Besides that, we would recommend you to take a look at the tools that could make this whole process of writing a virtual assistant resume faster and easier â€" our resume templates.HOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT PERSONAL INFO SECTION FOR YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT RESUMEAs you can guess, this is the most important section of your resume and the one you should start with.Without providing enough of your personal information, your potential employer doesn’t have a chance of getting an idea about who you are, and that obviously could be a big problem.But, just because you should share information about yourself doesn’t mean you should share it all.Think about what is absolutely necessary to write, and what is better off not said, as well as what information you’re actually comfortable sharing.There is basic info like your full name, phone number and address that is a must when it comes to what should be written in this section.Maybe writing your name is the easiest part, but there is something you should be careful about.Don’t write your nicknames or aliases you might have, just your full name. Middle names should also be left out.Katherine Hudson RightKathy Hudson WrongSome other facts about you on the other hand, such as your race, social security number, sexual orientation or religion have no place in your resume and should definitely be left out.Next thing you probably associate with a resume is your picture.Even though it’s not always a must to have it, if it is, make sure you use a professional-looking picture, in which you look approachable and pleasant. Avoid using photos taken in poor lighting and those where you’re wearing casual clothing.Of course, you will need to leave contact information so that the employer can contact you about the job. If you don’t leave a couple of different options, there’s a risk of you losing the job just because you can’t be reached, and you definitely don’t want that.We recommend you include your e-mail address and your mobile phone number as ways of contacting you.Having that said, we would like to draw your attention to the e-mail address you will be including in the CV.Avoid the first one you ever made since it probably includes your nickname and random numbers, and use a more professional-sounding WrongSharing your social media accounts in your resume is not a must, but if you do decide to add them, first th ink about what you have shared in the past.In case you have something problematic up there, that can really lower your chances of getting the job.As we recommended with the e-mail, keep the profile names without any nicknames or aliases and use only your real name.HOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT SUMMARY FOR YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT RESUMEThe summary section of your resume is the part where you should name a few of your biggest achievements in education and previous workplaces, as well what qualities and skills you’ve obtained through those experiences. Here is our guide about what the perfect summary should look like.This section of your resume should serve as an introduction to your resume, so keep it short and mention only the most important details about yourself you would like to highlight.But, don’t keep it so short that it loses its purpose and makes it seem like you have nothing valuable to mention about yourself.The ideal length of this section is 3 or 4 sentences. Don’t go lon ger â€" that’s what the rest of your resume is for, and summary should be only the introduction.The perfect summary should include a couple of things. First is the professional title you have, which will make it clear that you are applying for the position relevant to your title.The next thing you should write in this section is your most honorable achievements in the field you’re in.You should finish the summary with some professional goals you have and want to fulfill through the job you’re hoping to get.SummaryGeneral management graduate with proven organizational, communication and event planning skills and over 2 years of experience. Managed schedules of 4 business executives while performing other general administration tasks. RightOne way you can make your achievements stand out is by backing them up by some statistics about what you have accomplished. Information you provide in this form is far more valuable than without any numbers, percentages or any kind of descrip tive info.Summary (cont.)Managed schedules of 4 business executives while performing other general administration tasks. RightSummary (cont.)Managed busy work schedules. WrongAs mentioned, wrap up your summary section with your professional goals and plans for the future. This will let the employer know that this position aligns with your personal aspirations, which means you will be ready to give your maximum at all times.Summary (cont.)Looking to fulfill the role of a virtual assistant in order to maintain exceptional external and internal communication. RightHOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT EXPERIENCE SECTION OF YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT RESUMEYou can have all the experience in the world as a virtual assistant, but if you can’t present it right to your potential employer, you’re chances of getting the job are pretty low.That’s why you should invest a lot of time and effort into writing the experience section of your resume.This could easily be the most important part of the whole C V since employers tend to give it the most attention.What they want to get out of this section is what you’ve learned through the experiences and whether those skills and achievements could apply to the position.Of course, what this section ideally contains is details about your previous jobs and employers, the duration of time you spent at those positions and your main responsibilities.This information can have a huge saying in whether you get your wanted position or not, so let us guide you through how it all should look like.First, let’s talk about the structure of this section. If you think that it should be the longest one, and provide as many information as possible just to make it seem you have a ton of experience, think again.Forget about the lengthy paragraphs of text â€" they can be tiring and overcomplicated.Instead stick to bullet points that help in presenting the experiences you had in the best way possible, without getting lost in sentences and paragraphs.Also, te xt structured in this way will capture the employers attention much easier and draw it to the most important parts.One more thing is really important when it comes to the structure, and that is the reverse-chronological order.What this means is that you should start the section with the most recent positions you had and continue to the earlier ones.You’re probably wondering how you should list the experiences you’ve had.One logical and must-have piece of information is the companies or employers you’ve worked for, but you should add a couple of other facts.We highly recommend adding more information about the positions instead of just naming the employer you worked for.For example, writing the duration of time you spent at a position can benefit you since persons with multiple years of experience have higher chances of getting the job.In addition to the time invested in a certain position, it’s recommended to add the achievements and contribution to those job positions you h ad.The best way to write this is by presenting the challenges you had to overcome, the way you did it and the results you got.This is also the perfect place to better present the contributions to the positions you had by including percentages, time in which you achieved a goal or similar numbers that better describe your achievements.ExperienceKept contact and good communication with over 20 clients.Arranged daily meetings for over 5 business executives.Helped in educating the new staff on a monthly basis. RightExperiencePerformed various administrative work. WrongHOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT EDUCATION SECTION OF YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT RESUMEThe education section may not seem as important as the experience section, but it can still have a positive effect on the way your employer sees you.Apart from showcasing your achievements in high school and university and the clubs you’ve been a part of, having a degree higher than a high school one shows you have patience, determination and am bitiousness â€" all qualities valuable for any job position.Most important information about your degree is the duration of your time spent acquiring it, the degree specifications, and the location of your studies. Here’s what it should look like: RightThe bullet points, as here in this example, should contain achievements and activities relevant to the position you’re applying for, so feel free to add them to this section.Listing your GPA should be done only if its value is above-average.In case you’re still attending college, you can write that like this: RightDon’t feel bad if you never went to college and you only have a high school degree.In that case, focus on writing the experience and skill sections as best as you can, and use them instead of your education in your advantage. Remember to add seminars and courses you took in the field you wish to work in.HOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT SKILLS SECTION OF YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT RESUMEThis section is one of those with the highest chances of being closely looked at by the employer, so you should want to make it as good as possible.In a perfect scenario, a virtual assistant is a person capable of managing several different administrative tasks, and do it efficiently and i n a well-organized way.In addition, they are expected to know how to do basically anything and possess multiple office-managing skills.When it comes to the set of skills you possess, they are probably not all relevant to the position of a virtual assistant.Before deciding which ones to put in your resume, think about what a virtual assistant should be like, which skills are necessary to perform the job in the best way possible, and which ones are not as relevant.For example, you could possess great photography skills, but are they going to help you with the virtual assistant position?Once again, as in the most sections, you should rely on bullet points.This way the resume stays easy to read and captures the attention of the person reading it much quicker.In addition to that, list the skills in order of importance. First write the ones most relevant to the position, in order to make them stand out.We would like to point out the difference between skills since not all belong to the sa me category. You may have heard of soft skills â€" ones connected with interactions between people, and hard skills â€" ones you can learn by doing a course or a seminar, or just by doing a job.You should know that employers spend more time looking at soft skills in the resume since hard skills are easier to develop in a person through training and the job itself.Here’s what soft and hard skills a resume for a virtual assistant should contain:Soft skills: Communication, Time Management, Office Management, Solution-oriented, Event Planning, Customer ServiceHard skills: Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Spreadsheets, Typing, Data EntryWhat you need is a combination of hard as well as soft skills, since it looks the best in a resume.SkillsClent communicationTech-savvyExperienced in event planningBookkeeping RightSkillsEfficientPowerPoint RightUSEFUL TIPS AND TRICKS TO USE WHEN WRITING YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT RESUMELength of your resume â€" Longer text paragraphs in your resume won’t necessarily look as if you’ve got a lot to offer. It could easily be overwhelming for the employer and simply too much. Keep the length up to one page only, with only the most important points written.Review it â€" Before you finally send your finished resume, it wouldn’t hurt to run it by some of your friends or acquaintances who have seen a number of resumes before and can tell you whether yours is missing something, or if some parts are not necessary and can be cut.The spelling â€" Since you want your resume to seem professional and carefully written, make sure that no spelling mistakes are present. You can ask someone to proofread the text after you’ve written it, or simply download an app to do it for you in no time.Precision â€" You surely don’t want your potential employee to be confused about the things written in your resume, and wonder what you actually wanted to say. To prevent that, be clear with the information you choose to write and think twice about what belongs in the resume and what doesn’t.Bullet points form â€" As mentioned several times, this form of text is the one that is the easiest to read, which is very important when considering the large number of resumes your potential employer has to go through every day. You wouldn’t want them ignoring yours just because it would take them too long to read huge paragraphs of text, right?Font â€" Even though it may not seem as important, picking the right text font will make your resume look more put-together and professional.Languages â€" Knowledge of languages is very important for this job position, so consider adding a section about your familiarity with foreign languages and the levels of proficiency you possess.Resume template â€" Do you have a limited amount of time to finish the resume, but you still want it to be the best it can be? Take a look at our resume templates to help you produce a high-quality resume in no time.CONCLUSIONIf you read our guide, you are now fam iliar with everything you should know in order to write the best possible resume for the position of a virtual assistant.Stick with all the instructions we gave you and you will surely produce a fantastic resume and land that job you want.Don’t forget to add all the sections we mentioned here, and remember all the tips and tricks about what information each of them should have.By doing so you will point out all the right spots and highlight your best skills and most relevant work experience, which add to the good impression you’ll make on your potential employer.In case you’re still not 100% sure how to write the resume in a way that gets you the job or you want to save some time and get the task of writing it done as quick as possible, we recommend you to take a look at our resume builder.Good luck at getting the job of your dreams! Create your own resume
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Is More Important Than Ever
The entrepreneurial ecosystem is more important than ever. Large corporations spend billions each year investing in new ventures in order for their current company to grow or in the manner of branching out of the normal. New startups which understand what corporations are looking for in a successful investment and they will also understand that they stand to save money through loans, investments, licensing, procurement, and acquisition and much more (Simmons, 2013). Leadership and management need to be looked at in many different ways; however many feel they are the same. Leadership comes with knowing what and how to incorporate different strategies into a venture to make that venture work. Management is about having people who can take†¦show more content†¦Knowing who you’re working with and their history in business. Know the weakness and strengths they have to contribute in order to know where it works best for the planning. †¢ Second looking at Decision Making; which entails how the decision making is put into place and do the decisions come from the top of the organization or from the bottom leaders of an organization. Knowing this helps determine how ideas are put into place and who carries them out. †¢ Third item to consider is, Idea Generation. Idea generation comes from how the ideas are generated. Understanding how they are generated effects the quality as well as the amount of ideas generated. †¢ Fourth item is Process. Understanding how to handle the ideas within the organization is important. The process defines how all agreements and commitments are made and managed, it also defines how well the employees know what is happening. †¢ Fifth critical item is People. People are what truly build the aspects surrounding knowledge, talents, and perspectives to the strategic design. Basically what this is, is a way to keep from breaking the power, decision making, idea generation and the process which builds the strategic design. Merchant goes on to explain that for an organization to hold fast to all these elements, it is the best advantage to see an organization succeed (Merchant, 2008). Leadership and management are different in terms of responsibilities. Some believe that a leader should be able to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evolution Of A Evolutionary Theory - 1500 Words
Evolution is descent with modification, a phrase Darwin used in proposing the at Earth’s many species are descendants of ancestral species that were different The power of evolution as a unifying theory is its ability to explain and connect a vast array of observations about the living world. Aristotle believed that life forms could be arranged on a scale of increasing complexity. Each form of life, perfect and permanent, had its allotted space. Darwin argued that classification should be based on evolutionary relationships Darwin used fossils, the remains or traces of organisms from the past, to study and observe change over time. Paleontology is the study of these fossils Darwin said that if geologic change results from slow, continuous actions rather than from sudden events, then the Earth must be much older than what was previously thought. Lamarck used two main principles already accepted to prove his evolutionary theory. The first was use and disuse, the idea that parts of the body that are used extensively become larger and stronger. The other was inheritance of acquired characteristics, which stated that an organism could pass these modifications to its offspring. Lamarck’s idea that organisms have an innate drive to become more complex was rejected by Darwin. Darwin reasoned that over a long time, descent with modification eventually led to the rich diversity we see today. Closely related species that are very similar due to their common ancestor, until theyShow MoreRelatedEvolutionary Theory : Climate Change On Evolution899 Words  | 4 PagesEvolutionary Theory: Climate Change on Evolution Evolution is the process of change that occurs in the traits of a population of a species over many years. At the molecular level, dissimilarities of an individual’s genes, known as the genotype, result in the change of their physical characteristics, or phenotype. 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Specifically their noting certain improbabilities of evolutions ability to â€Å"design.†Ill evade defining the individual concepts because theyve all been described before, and far better than I could manage, although Ill point out that micro/macro evolution distinction is largely Creationist lingo, as is
The Day That Changed My Life Free Essays
string(100) " even though I was not having any contractions I knew I did not 4 want to give birth in my vehicle\." The Day My Life Changed Forever I will never forget the day when my life was changed forever. I was twenty-two years old and about to give birth to my first child. I was having a girl, who I was going to name Mia Alexandria. We will write a custom essay sample on The Day That Changed My Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Up until this point in my life I was able to go and come as I pleased, but that was about to all change. I knew that having a child would change my life but did not know how much. It was in December of 1996, and was a cold, dreary winter day. I was in my eighth month of pregnancy and I was crabby about having to lug around extra weight that was in my belly. I awoke early that morning and decided to run some errands. I drove a Jeep Wrangler at that time, a red one with a white hard top that consistently bounced around the road with every bump and crack that you hit. I can still feel the bitter draft that seeped through the cracks as I drove. It was a stick shift, which many of my friends did not know how to operate. Reluctantly, I hopped my pregnant body up into it barely being able to move my limbs from being bundled up in my poufy parka. My friend decided to join me that day to keep me company. Our first stop was to the unemployment agency. The unemployment agency back then was located in several buildings scattered throughout the state so you just had to find the closest 2 one to you, drive to it, fill out some paperwork, and stand in line to file your claim. Things were not done as they are now with all the fancy computer technology. As we arrived in the parking lot I was feeling a little anxious, not having applied before, and not knowing what I was going to say to the person behind the counter. I had been released from my waitressing job a few weeks before because of my pregnancy, the owner was afraid I might slip and fall while I was working and didn’t want to be responsible or even take that chance. The owner said I could come back after I had the baby but in the meantime I wasn’t able to pay December’s rent nor did I have any food in my apartment. My mom said I could come eat any time I wanted at her house and always sent a care package with me when I left, but still that did not pay the rent. Needless to say I did not have very much money for gas to drive back and forth to her house either and we lived about 15 miles apart. I wasn’t sure if I was going to qualify to receive unemployment but I knew I desperately needed to do something because of the baby I had on the way. When we walked into the building I saw a tremendously long line, a take a number sign, rows and rows of chairs with other fellow unemployed citizens, and quite a few government workers behind the counters. The place was huge. The atmosphere felt stuffy to me and the room was predominantly filled with men that displayed gloomy faces. I took a number and my friend and I took our place in line. We were standing for about twenty minutes when all of a sudden I felt this rush of wetness between my thighs. I was not sure what had just happened but I thought to myself I could not have just had an accident like a preschooler. As I mentally assessed the situation, the 3 only thing that kept me running from embarrassment was my long parka that came down past a good portion of my back side so you could not see my midsection. My bladder control was not as it was before I was pregnant; however when I realized after a minute or two that maybe the liquid that was uncontrollably releasing from my body was not urine at all, but that my water had broke, which meant I was going into labor. Being twenty-two and it being my first child I think I may have been in shock. Not knowing what else I should do, I decided to walk up to one of the few ladies I saw in the office. I wanted to ask what I should do because I had already signed in. The lady looked at me in disbelief and said â€Å"Leave, who cares that you signed in. You need to go to the hospital†. My friend and I looked at one another and then quickly scurried out to my Jeep and jumped in. My friend thought she should drive but did not know how to drive a stick-shift. I figured it was probably a much better idea if I drove and assured her I was not in any pain and I was fine to drive. I swiftly sped off not really having the next destination in mind but knowing I had towards the hospital. I was not in pain and did not want to rely on someone else to decide what to bring to the hospital for me so I decided to make a pit stop back at my apartment before heading over to the hospital. When we arrived only twenty minutes or so had passed and I thought by now something else should be happening with my body and was anticipating the worse was about to come. I changed out of my miserably wet pants and I quickly gathered up the things I thought I should bring. We jumped back in my bouncy jeep with our destination being the hospital this time and began making our journey there. We had about a thirty minute drive to Royal Oak Beaumont without traffic and even though I was not having any contractions I knew I did not 4 want to give birth in my vehicle. You read "The Day That Changed My Life" in category "Essay examples" I had heard numerous crazy stories from people throughout my pregnancy about giving birth in weird places and just really wanted to make it to the hospital. When we arrived at Royal Oak Beaumont I entered through the emergency room. The security guard went to get me a wheel chair but I felt that I was fine and decided to walk up to the labor and delivery floor. When I got to the floor the nurses greeted me excitedly and hooked me up to a computer with all this wires that were connected to a stretchy band that fit around my belly. I didn’t know what they were for at the time, but now I know they were to measure my contractions. The nurse checked my dilation status and I was at a four and when you deliver the baby a person’s dilation status is at a ten. The nurse bundled all my belongings in a plastic bag and swiftly rushed me to appropriate room for delivery. When I was walking to my new room the nurses were astonished that I was dilated to four and walking around without feeling any pain. I didn’t have the foggiest idea what was going to happened so it really didn’t faze me. My friend must have been calling every person I knew because people started trickling in to see me. Tons of family and friends rotated in and out of my room baring gifts and helpful encouraging tips. The hospital staff allowed many more people in the room at one time then I thought was allowed. I had been at the hospital for about an hour and a half and still wasn’t feeling any contractions even though the nurse said I was having them. One of my friends had brought a deck of cards and another stopped at the store and brought me candy for my weet tooth I had so we were playing cards and I was eating candy when the doctor showed up. 5 The doctor was a middle age man, probably in his forty’s, which I had never met before. He was the doctor responsible for the patients from the office I went to for my prenatal checkups. I went to the hospital obgyn clinic were the doctors were doing their internships and other senior staff doctors oversaw that they were performing the corre ct way. He told us I probably would not be having the baby for a few hours, it was now about dinner time and I was starting to get hungry. My dilation status had stayed at between four and five for quite some time and he decided to order for me to have pitocin which tricks your body into starting to have contractions so your body will deliver the baby faster. This drug mimics the effects of the hormone, oxytocin that naturally is released in your body to induce labor. My dad and step-mom did not want to miss the birth of my first child but wanted to leave to go get dinner and they were going to bring me something back. They said I could not eat but they were allowing me to eat the candy which was a little strange. Eventually I knew I would want some dinner though and encouraged them to go and come back. Little did my dad or I know that what he feared was about to come true. He kissed me on the head and said â€Å"Don’t have that baby till I get back, ya hear†. I laughed and replied â€Å"Ok†. My dad left and the nurse came in to administer the pitocin. As the medicine flowed through my IV into my vein it felt not quite cold but a cool trickling rush like some little bugs were invading my body. It had only been a few minutes when I could start feeling maybe a little squeezing of my belly that they were calling a contraction. About seven or eight people were standing in my room talking to one another and asking me a bunch of questions when all of a sudden I felt the biggest kick, it felt like someone punched me in the stomach. Then next came a contraction, it was hard 6 And it hurt. I yelled to the nurse â€Å"I think I’m about to have the baby†, she said â€Å"Let me check probably not just yet†. I shouted back â€Å"I think I need something for pain then†. Quickly I was administered some Demerol which was supposed to curve the pain. It just made me feel like I was going to vomit as it rushed through my veins and gave me the biggest high I had ever felt. Again I felt a big contraction â€Å"I want everyone out†I yelled. Everyone scurried out the nurse checked me and I was about to have the baby, she pushed the emergency button and the doctor came running. No one was ready, none of the packages were opened up for the delivery, and no one had their proper labor and delivery gear on. There was no time for any of that I had one more contraction and I was told not to push yet but there was no pushing nor any stopping that baby from coming into this world. Next thing I knew this small watermelon size thing came bounding out and it was over. No more pain, no more scary anticipation, and no more extra weight in my belly. And of course my dad had missed it. Mia Alexandria was here and weighed 5lbs 15oz, and was 19 inches long. My freedom at that moment ended forever. I would always be responsible for this other little person forever, or what would seem forever. No more just getting up and going. No more random journeys in my jeep at the spur of the moment not knowing where we might end up. Everywhere I would go from then on out I would have lots of extra things I would have to take with me for the care of the baby. Even though my life changed at that moment forever it was for the better. The birth of my daughter made me think about all my actions and the consequences that may follow. I always tried my hardest to do the right thing and be the best person I could be from that moment on because I wanted to be the best mommy ever. How to cite The Day That Changed My Life, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Kidney Stone Lab Report Sample
Kidney Stone Lab Report Paper Kidney stones are also referred to as renal calculi and are formed in the kidney as a result of buildup of minerals that are being excreted from the body as waste. This buildup can be caused by superannuation which is when there is too high of a concentration of salts and proteins and this makes the metals precipitate into solid form within the kidney. Kidney stones are not all the same chemically, as shown in figure 2, Calcium stones are probably the most common stone which can combine to make Calcium Oxalate (Acacia), Calcium Phosphate (Ca(PEP)2), Uric Acid (CHANNEL), Strive (Neighing). Figure 2. Frequency of Kidney Stones. Data from Kidney Stone Disease. The fact that there are differing chemicals that make up kidney stones presents the problem of solubility in which some may dissolve in acidic solutions or may not dissolve at all. The kidney stones persist in the body due to the fact that the previously mentioned compounds are insoluble in water. This requires unusual tactics to rid the patient of kidney stones such as lithography in which shock waves are used to break up kidney stones into much smaller pieces that can more easily be passed. Some home remedies are accredited with being able to dissolve the kidney stones in the kidney and being quite effective as well. In this experiment lemon juice is used in an attempt to dissolve a few of the most common kidney stones because of its high citric acid content. Perhaps the best treatment for kidney stones is prevention. In this case one would drink large amounts of water and be careful of too much salt and protein intake. The experiment conducted involved such scientific concepts such as SSP, percent yield, and percent error. We will write a custom essay sample on Kidney Stone Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kidney Stone Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kidney Stone Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer SSP is a scientific concept in which the solubility of a impound into water at 25 co is quantified into a number which can be calculated and analyzed. Percent yield is a procedure which indicates how fully a reaction took place by comparing the actual mass attained with the theoretical value that should be attained assuming a complete reaction with perfectly standard conditions. Percent error shows the difference in the final experimental value with an accepted theoretical value which shows how accurate the experiment was which can show if the experiment is credible or not. Methods Kidney stones needed to be synthesized in order to carry out the experiment. Figure 3. Kidney Stone Formations Calcium Oxalate: Cacao + Nuanced enact + Acacia Strive: Magic + NANNY + Naphtha Neighing +20- + NON- + Ana+ + H+ calcium Phosphate: unhappy + acacia enact + The reactions in Figure 3 were carried out in attempts of producing 5. 00 g samples of each of the three stones. To do so, it was required to find the limiting reactant in order to calculate the appropriate amount of each substance to use. Below can be seen the calculations of how to find the limiting reactant for the reaction yielding calcium Oxalate. Figure 4. Finding amounts of materials to use Calcium Oxalate (Acacia) Calcium Chloride (Cacao) Sodium Oxalate (Nuanced) As can be seen in Figure 4, the first step is to find how many moles of Acacia are in 5. 00 g of the substance, then the number of moles is multiplied by the molecular weights of each of the reactants because the reaction is 1:1:1 with respect to the included compounds. This shows how much of each reactants to get in order to get our optimal amount of substance without much waste. However, the percent yield of each substance was quite low, as can be seen in Figure 5 and the calculations that lead to finding percent yield are as follows for he reaction yielding Calcium Oxalate, keeping in mind that 5. 00 g is the desired dry mass. Example Calculation: Calcium Oxalate (Acacia): Figure 5. Percent Yield of Precipitates Once the stones were collected, thoroughly dried, and massed, 0. 00 g of the Calcium Oxalate was placed into an Erlenmeyer flask and dissolved in the home remedy: lemon juice. The stone readily dissolved into 10 ml of lemon juice to the point that no precipitate could be seen. 30 drops of ammonia buffer solution was added to raise the pH of the system to 10. At this point, 8 drops of indicator Ricochet black T) was added to the solution. .05 M EDIT solution was then added to a reroute above a waste beaker and the EDIT was run through the burette until there was no air bubble in the burette. Then the first reading was taken off of the burette before the titration started and then the EDIT solution was carefully added to the experimental solution in the Erlenmeyer flask below. This was done for a total of 3 trials, however, only for the Calcium Oxalate stone because of time constraints and material constraints. Figure 6 displays the data that was collected during this process. Figure 6. Data from Titrating Acacia solution Results With use of Figure 6, the amount of EDIT that must be added to 0. 0 g of Acacia can be averaged to 53. 2 ml of . 05 M EDIT (H2O-). Figure 7. Finding percent dissolved of Calcium Oxalate EDIT: Ca+ + H2O- Cay 2- + UH+ *Notice Ca+:H2O-= 1 : 1 (Complexities Ca Determination) Amount of Acacia dissolved: In Figure 7, it is determined that 335 % of the Calcium Oxalate kidney stone dissociated in the lemon juice by first finding how many moles of EDIT were used by multiplying the military of the EDIT by the average amount of DE TA seed to titrate the exp erimental solution. The equation for the reaction between a free calcium ion and an EDIT compound in pH of 10 is a reaction which allows to see how many calcium ions were stabilized and therefore dissociated from the Acacia. This number of moles can then be multiplied by the molecular mass of Acacia to find the initial weight of the ions that dissociated which comes to be . 335 g of Acacia. This mass is then divided by the amount that was in solution which was 0. 10 g, then multiplied by 100 to give a final percent of dissociation for the Acacia in lemon juice of 335 96. This means that the dined stones dissolved into 3. 35 times the amount of ions than it could possibly, suggesting quite large errors in the experiment/procedures occurred. Figure 8. Finding SSP for the dissociation of Calcium Oxalate Concentration of Ca+: SSP for the titration: [Ca+] [CHECK-] SSP= (0. 2377)2 = 0. 0565 *Theoretical SSP= 2. 3210-9 (Trot, Chemistry, A-12) Percent error: The calculations in Figure 8 show the steps needed to find the SSP for the dissociation of Acacia. The concentration of Ca+ ions within the solution and buffer solution (10 ml of solvent and 1 ml of buffer) was found by dividing the umber of moles found in Figure 7 by the amount of solution present. The SSP for this particular reaction can be found to be a 1:1 ration between the Ca+ ion and the CHECK- ion which allows for simple squaring of the concentration of the Ca+ ion to give the experimental SSP. However, when compared to the theoretical value of SSP for the dissociation of Acacia at 25 co, the experimental value obtained is shown to be largely incorrect with a percent error of 2. 35
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